For the first time in my life, I met with a car accident. But, I'm fine. The car's not though.
Did I say that he's really temperamental?
YEsterday, he was all cold and started saying that he's having problems with 'being with me'. And he didn't want to meet me. And he was very unkind when I called him. He said in a super bochup and unkind tone, "Too free, then go jog, go run, go gym lah.."So...I waited. Must be patient. I waited for the entire day since 7am until 8pm before I finally got a chance to meet him and find out what's wrong...
I was totally quiet throughout the ride to ECP. When we got down, he held my hand as if nothing happened that day. I finally got him to talk. He rambled and babbled.. All the weirdest things. He said that he felt that he had not been commiting to the relationship. I asked what he feel he need to commit and did not. He said TIME. I was like.... i thought we have been meeting up almost everyday until I have to deliberately plan things for 'timeoff'. And some other things that were really not problems at all. I wanted to slaughter him there and then.. But I was relieved lah. I just rounded up everything with, "You seem more like the girl than I am. You think too much."
This morning, he drove me to work. HE dilly dally till I was running late. I knew he was going to speed again. So I said, "Drive carefully." He said ok. I didn't want to be too naggy about the speeding thing. one point of time when he was going through a curve route like a turn with those yellow signs asking you to slow down. Of cos he didn't.. And then he just collided onto the side and the car just brushed against one side of the road for sometime then swerved to the other side and the trauma continued.. I got the shock of my life ya??? Thankfully, he was calm enough to get the car back in track again. I don't know how to describe lah.
Anyway..the car's damages totalled up to 700 bucks. He said he learnt a lesson not to speed again. Duh...
You know..I actually said a prayer in my mind at the beginning on the journey. The roads were busy with lotsa motorcyclists and he looked as if he's just going to knock one of them down anytime. I was like,"God.. I pray for a safe journey to work and that nothing bad would happen."
Then.. the accident. I was like, "God, didn't I jus pray that we will be safe and that nothign will happen?"
LAter in the day, when he called from the garage, he said that the mechanics were rather amazed. They said that the dunno what part of the car was almost broken already.It's amazing he could drive to the garage still. He could have just lost control of the car anytime if that thingy is broken. I guess.. something good did come out of this whole accident after all.
I very scared.. I think I don't want to sit in his car anymore. I never felt safe before. I was always alert. When I sit in others' cars, my other guyfriends' I can relax and sleep. Not his.....
Now..what's the status of things between me and him? STrangely, i would have not forgiven a guy being temperamental often with me, in the past. STrangely, I am not angry or upset with him. We are going out again I guess.
He was crazy.. He said he wanted a baby with me yesterday. CRazy ya? Ridiculous ya? Don't laugh till you fall off your chair. I asked him if he's drunk. NO BABIES!!!!!! NONONO.. terrifying.much as I love babies,love kids. Not till I am married ..not till years later..
take care..
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